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My name is Blake Fortner and I have the privilege of serving as the pastor of Three Trails. My wife and I have had an adventurous marriage of over fourteen years. We have traveled to over thirty-five states and served as missionaries in Ethiopia before we were even thirty. God has blessed us with four amazing boys and we are expecting our first girl this fall. Having been a missionary in Ethiopia and growing up in the South KC area, diversity has been a part of every aspect of my life except church.
Since the launch of Three Trails I have had the honor of serving with people who look nothing like me and see things from perspectives that continue to challenge me and motivate me to seek to understand the experiences and viewpoints of others. Even though I was raised in church my whole life, I have always questioned why American Christianity looks nothing like it did in the Bible. Why are we still so separated by race and ethnicity in the places we should be embracing it the most? What I love most about Three Trails is that loving my community is just as important as loving my God. If I believe God sent His Son to die for the world because of love, what am I willing to do to follow His example? If everyone adopted this perspective it would not only flip American Christianity on its head, but it would provide love for people who desperately deserve it.
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